What is MBB?

MBB is a bespoke dietietic practice that offers 1:1 telehealth consults to athletes (amateur to elite), people living with eating disorders, and other highly-motivated people looking to improve the way they fuel their bodies and minds.


Who do we work with?

  • Everyone who is ready to make lasting changes to improve their physical and mental health!

  • Young athletes who want to learn more about adequately fuelling their training and performance, cooking on a budget, supermarket shopping and food label reading

  • Anyone who is sick of the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster and wants to adopt sustainable eating practices for life

  • Anyone who wants to improve their relationship with food and/or their body, including people with disordered eating patterns or who experience stress/distress around food

  • Endurance runners, cyclists and/or triathletes interested in online training plans and/or sport-specific nutrition advice and planning

  • Anyone with a mood, personality or affective disorder who wants to use food and movement to support their mental health

  • Anyone struggling to cope with stress and prioritise healthy lifestyle habits


How does it work?

  1. Let’s start off with an initial consultation, where we’ll do a thorough assessment of where you are currently and where you want to go on your healthy lifestyle journey. It will help to have any relevant medical tests, scans and other information with you during this appointment. We will also set some goals and develop a plan to guide our future sessions.

  2. The work! Strategies vary depending on individual situations and goals. This is where we experiment with what works and doesn’t work for you and start to establish new habits and behaviour patterns.

  3. Reviews. Follow-up consultation maintain accountability, review progress and set new goals once initial goals are achieved. They also provide more time for in-depth analysis of the emotional, psychological, social and cultural drivers of health behaviours. Addressing the underlying causes of our behaviour helps us make sustainable changes.
